Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finally had some deep thoughts

I've been thinking that I need to post to my blog but never felt I had anything interesting to write. I was baking a while ago and that requires no thought. So I was thinking about Michelle and Elizabeth and where they are in their lives. They are at a place where anything is possible. They are just on the road at the botttom of the hill so to speak. It's all possible. I'm so excited for them. I'm just over and on the other side of the hill and some things are not possible. I don't think I will become an olympic athelete. Hell I can't even spell it. I am pretty sure there won't be any more babies (for me anyway). I could start a new career but I'm really just too lazy. When you're young you think, well I'll just do this or just do that later. Don't wait.
Life's not over but it's changed. How you adjust determines the quality of life. It's good and will be good. So I'm done rambling for now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Michael and I just ate dinner.
He's downstairs watching the news. I'm checking for any contact with the outside world. The neighbor across the street just got home and her little boy is crying and the dogs are prancing around the yard with happy abandonment. I love dogs, they are always happy. Betsy is keeping me company. She could be playing with the other dogs but she stays close. It's so cool and still outside. I love this time of the year. I think I'll go spend time with Michael and see what's happening in the world.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hey....it's me blogging down the road.

I'm sure I'll have some really interesting stuff to blog about.

Can't think of it right now but it'll come and you'll be amazed.